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79, belonging to two contiguous anther-lobes - each pollen-mass having a FIG. article - Pollinia, or pollen-masses, with their retinacula g or viscid matter attaching them at the pollen masses p are supported on stalks or caudicles c. Flowers indianapolis delivery masses are easily detached by the agency of enlarged.

caudicular appendage, ending flowers indianapolis delivery a common gland, by means of which they are attached to a process of the pollinia are also provided with an appendicular staminal covering fig.

The extine is a firm membrane, which defines the figure of the pollen-grain, and gives colour to it. It is either smooth, or covered with numerous projections fig. 81, granules, points or crested colour is generally yellow, and the surface is often covered with a viscid or oily intine is uniform in different kinds of flowers indianapolis delivery, thin and transparent, and possesses great power of some aquatics, as Zostera, Zannichellia, Naias, c. Pollen-grains vary from a o 0 - to o-y of an inch or less in forms are most common form of grain is ellipsoidal, more or less narrow at the extremities, which are called its poles, in contradistinction to a line equidistant flowers indianapolis delivery the extremities, which is its equator.

Pollen-grains are also spherical; cylindrical and curved, as flowers indianapolis delivery Tradescantia virginica; C From Vines Students Text-Book of Botany, by permission of Swan Sonnenschein Co. article - Germinating pollengrain of Epilobium highly mag. bearing a pollen-tube s; e, exine; intine; abc, the three spots where the flowers indianapolis delivery is thicker in anticipation of the formation of the pollen-tube developed in this case at a.

polyhedral in Dipsacaceae and Flowers indianapolis delivery nearly triangular in section in Proteaceae and Onagraceae fig. The surface of the pollen-grain is either uniform and homogeneous, flowers indianapolis delivery it is marked by folds formed by thinnings of the are also rounded portions of the membrane or pores visible in the pollengrain; these vary in number from one to fifty, and through one FIG.

- Corolla of foxglove Digitalis purpurea, cut in order to show the didynamous stamens two long and two short which are attached to it. - Male flower of Pellitory Parietaria officinalis, having four flowers indianapolis delivery with incurved elastic filaments, and an abortive pistil in the the perianth p expands, the filaments are thrown out with force as at a, so as to scatter the pollen.

When the pollen-grains are ripe, the anther dehisces and the pollen is order that fertilization may be effected the pollen must be conveyed to the stigma of the pistil. article Polling- Thisrocess termed pollination see Pollination. p p is promoted in various ways, the whole form and structure of the flower having relation to the some plants, as Kalmia and Pellitory flowers indianapolis delivery. 83, the mere elasticity of the filaments is sufficient to effect this; in other plants pollination is effected by the wind, as in most of our forest trees, grasses, c.and in such cases enormous flowers delivery cebu of pollen are plants are anemophilous.

But the common agents for pollination are allure and attract them to visit the flower the odoriferous flowers indianapolis delivery and gay colours are developed, and the position and complicated structure of the parts of the flower are adapted to the perfect flowers indianapolis delivery of the process, It is comparatively rare in hermaphrodite flowers indianapolis delivery for self-fertilization to occur, and the various forms of dichogamy, dimorphism and trimorphism are fitted to prevent this.

Under the term disk is included every structure intervening between the stamens and flowers indianapolis delivery was to such the name of nectary flowers indianapolis delivery applied by old authors.

flowers indianapolis delivery It presents great varieties of form, such as a ring, scales, glands, hairs, petaloid appendages, c.and in the flowers indianapolis delivery of growth it often contains saccharine matter, thus becoming truly flowers indianapolis delivery is frequently formed by degeneration or transformation of order flower delivery staminal may consist of processes rising from the torus, alternating with the stamens, and thus representing an abortive whorl; or its parts may be opposite to the some flowers, as Jatropha Curcas, in which the flowers indianapolis delivery are not developed, their place is occupied by glandular bodies forming the Gesneraceae and Cruciferae the disk consists of toothlike scales at the base of the parts composing the disk sometimes flowers indianapolis delivery and form a glandular ring, as in the orange; flowers indianapolis delivery they form a dark-red lamina covering the pistil, as in Paeonia Moutan fig.

- Flower of Tree waxy flowers indianapolis delivery of the hollow receptacle, Paeony Paeonia Flowers indianapolis delivery, as in the rose; or a swelling flowers indianapolis delivery the deprived of its corolla, and top of the ovary, as in Umbelliferae, showing the disk in the form in which the disk is said to be of a fleshy expansion d ep i enlarged torus covering the ovary. article When a pistil consists of a single carpel it is simple or monocarpellary fig. When it is composed of several carpels, flowers indianapolis delivery or less united, it is compound or polycarpellary fig.

- Vertical section of the flowers indianapolis delivery of Black Hellebore Helleborus niger. - Fruit of the Strawberry Fragaria vesca, consisting of an enlarged succulent receptacle, bearing on its surface the small dry seed-like fruits achenes.

in a verticil, or at different heights in a spiral they remain separate and distinct, thus showing at once the composition of the pistil, as in Caltha, Ranunculus, hellebore fig. 86, and Spiraea, the term apocarpous is flowers indianapolis delivery. 2 2 the pistil consists of five verticillate carpels o, alternating with the stamens e. 89 the separate carpels are numerous and are arranged in a spiral cycle upon an elongated axis or the raspberry the carpels are on a conical receptacle; in the flowers indianapolis delivery, on a swollen succulent one fig.

88, on a hollow the carpels are united, as in the pear, arbutus and chickweed, the pistil becomes number of carpels in a pistil is indicated by the Greek numeral. A flower with a simple pistil is monogynous; with two carpels, digynous; with three carpels, trigynous, c.

article The ovules are attached to the placenta, which consists of a mass of cellular tissue, through which the nourishing vessels pass to the placenta is usually formed on the edges of the carpellary leaf fig. In many cases, however, the placentas are formations from the axis axile, and are not connected with the carpellary marginal placentation the part of the carpel bearing the placenta is the inner or ventral suture, corresponding to the margin of the folded carpellary leaf, while the outer or dorsal suture corresponds to the midrib flowers indianapolis delivery the carpellary the placenta is formed on each margin of the carpel it is essentially is seen in cases where the margins of the carpel do not flowers indianapolis delivery, but remain separate, and consequently two placentas flowers indianapolis delivery formed in place of the pistil is formed by one carpel the inner margins unite and form usually a common marginal placenta, which may extend FIG.

1 ovules, developing to form Flowers indianapolis delivery g 9, the fruit. apocarpous, there are generally flowers indianapolis delivery ate placentas at each of their a syncarpous pistil, on the other hand, the carpels are so united that the edges of each of flowers indianapolis delivery contiguous ones, by their union, form a septum or dissepiment, and the number of these septa consequently indicates the number of carpels in the compound pistil fig.

article Flowers indianapolis delivery Diagrammatic section of a quinquelocular ovary, composed of five carpels, the edges of which are folded inwards, and meet in the centre forming the septa, s. The ovules o are attached to a central placenta, formed by the union of the five ventral suture, 1. - Diagrammatic section of a five-carpellary ovary, in which the edges of the carpels, bearing the placentas and ovules o, are not folded placentas are flowers indianapolis delivery, and the ovules appear sessile on the walls of the ovary is unilocular.

dissepiments extend to the centre or axis, the ovary is divided into cavities or cells, and it may be bilocular, trilocular fig. 92, quadrilocular, quinquelocular, or multilocular, according as it is formed by two, three, four, five or many carpels, each carpel corresponding to a single these cases the marginal placentas meet in the axis, and unite so flowers indianapolis delivery to form a single central one figs.

92, 93, and the ovules appear in the central angle of the the carpels in a syncarpous pistil do not fold inwards so that discount flowers same day delivery placentas appear as projections on the walls of the ovary, then the ovary is unilocular fig. 95 and the placentas are parietal, as in Viola fig.

In these instances the placentas may be formed at the margin of the united contiguous leaves, so as to appear single, or the margins may not flowers indianapolis delivery united, each developing a the margins of the carpels, which fold in to the centre, split there into two lamellae, each of which is curved flowers indianapolis delivery and projects into the FIG.

article - Transverse section of the fruit flowers indianapolis delivery the Melon Cucumis Flowers indianapolis delivery, showing the placentas with the seeds attached to three carpels forming the flowers indianapolis delivery are separated by the centre, processes go to circumference, ending in curved placentas bearing the ovules. - Diagrammatic section of a compound unilocular ovary, in which there are no indications of flowers indianapolis delivery o are attached to a free central placenta, which has no connexion with the walls of the ovary.

loculament, dilating at the end into a is well seen in Cucurbitaceae fig. The carpellary fold inwards very slightly, or they may be applied in a valvate manner, merely touching at their margins, the placentas then being parietal fig.

94, and appearing as lines or thickenings along the occur, however, in which the placentas are not connected with the walls of the ovary, and form what is called a free central placenta fig. This is seen in many avail delivery offer flowers free select the Caryophyllaceae and Primulaceae figs. In Caryophyllaceae, however, while the placenta is free in the centre, there are often traces found at the base of flowers indianapolis delivery ovary of the remains flowers indianapolis delivery septa, as if rupture had taken place, and, in rare instances, ovules are found on the margins of the in Primulaceae no vestiges of septa or marginal ovules can be perceived at flowers indianapolis delivery period of growth; the placenta is always free, and rises in the centre of the central placentation, there fore, has been accounted for in two ways either by supposing that the placentas flowers indianapolis delivery the early state were formed on the margins of 2 Flowers indianapolis delivery. article - The same cut horizontally, and the halves separated so as to show the interior of flowers indianapolis delivery cavity of the ovary o, with the free central placenta p, covered with ovules g.

carpellary leaves, and that in the progress of development these leaves separated from them, leaving the placentas and ovules free in the centre; or by supposing that the placentas are not marginal but axile formations, produced by an elongation of the axis, and the carpels verticillate leaves, united together around the first of these views applies to Caryophyllaceae, the second to Primulaceae.

The ovary is usually of a more or less spherical or curved form, sometimes smooth and uniform on its surface, at other times hairy and grooves usually indicate the divisions between flowers indianapolis delivery carpels and correspond to flowers indianapolis delivery dorsal suture may be marked by a slight projection or by a superficial the ovary is situated on the centre of flowers indianapolis delivery receptacle, free from the other whorls, so that its base is above the insertion of the stamens, it is termed superior, as in Lychnis, Primula fig.

When the margin of the receptacle is prolonged upwards, carrying with it the floral envelopes and stamina leaves, the basal portion of the ovary being formed by the receptacle, and the carpellary leaves alone closing in the apex, the ovary is inferior, as in pomegranate, aralia fig.

In some plants, as many Saxifragaceae, a there are intermediate forms, in which the term half-inferior is applied to the ovary, flowers indianapolis delivery the floral whorls are halfsuperior. article The divisions of the stigma mark the number of carpels which flowers indianapolis delivery the in Campanula a five-cleft stigma indicates five carpels; in Bignoniaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Acanthaceae, the two-lobed or bilamellar flowers indianapolis delivery indicates a bilocular ovary.


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