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Other modifications of some part of the flower, especially of the corolla and stamens, are produced either by degeneration or outgrowth, or by chorisis, or this nature are the scales on the petals in Lychnis, Silene and Cynoglossum, which are formed in the same way as the ligules of other cases, as in Samolus, the scales are alternate with the petals, and may represent altered Narcissus the appendages are united to form a crown, consisting of a membrane similar to that cookie flowers delivery in mn unites the stamens in cookie flowers delivery in mn sometimes difficult to say whether these structures are to be referred to the corolline or to the staminal row.

article Petals are attached to the axis usually by a narrow this attachment takes place by an articulation, the petals fall off either immediately after expansion caducous or after fertilization deciduous. A corolla which is continuous with the axis and not articulated to it, as in campanula and heaths, may be persistent, and remain in a withered or marcescent state while the fruit cookie flowers delivery in mn ripening.

A gamopetalous corolla falls off in one piece; but sometimes the flower delivery nyc downtown of the corolla remains persistent, as in Rhinanthus and Orobanche.

The stamens and the pistil are sometimes spoken of as the essential organs of the flower, as the presence of both is required in order that perfect seed may be with few exceptions the stamen represents a leaf which has been specially developed to bear the pollen or microspores, it is spoken of in comparative morphology as cookie flowers delivery in mn microsporophyll; similarly the carpels which make up the pistil are the megasporophylls see Angiosperms.

Hermaphrodite cookie flowers delivery in mn bisexual flowers are those in which both these organs are found; unisexual or cookie flowers delivery in mn are those in which only one of these organs appears, - those bearing stamens only, being staminiferous or " male "; those having the pistil only, pistilliferous or " female.

Other plants are timorphic, as species of Lythrum, and proper fertilization is only effected by combination of parts of equal some plants the stamens are perfected before the pistil; these are called proterandrous, as in Ranunculus repens, Silene maritima, Zea other plants, but more rarely, the pistil is perfected before the stamens, as in Potentilla argentea, Plantago major, Coix Lachryma, and they are termed cookie flowers delivery in mn which proterandry or proterogyny occurs are called in the same plant there are unisexual flowers, both male and female, the plant is said to be nionoecious, as in the hazel and castor-oil the male and female flowers of a species are found on separate plants, the term dioecious is applied, as in Mercurialis and hemp; and when a species has male, female and hermaphrodite flowers on the same or different plants, as in Parietaria, it is polygamous.

The stamens arise from the thalamus or torus within the petals, with which they generally alternate, forming one or more whorls, which collectively constitute the androecium. Their normal position is below the pistil, and when they are so placed fig. 64, a upon the thalamus they are they become adherent to the petals, or are epipetalous, and the insertion of both is looked upon as similar, so that they are still hypogynous, provided they are independent of the calyx and the other cases they are perigynous or epigynous fig.

Numerous intermediate forms cookie flowers delivery in mn, especially amongst Saxifragaceae, where the parts are half superior or half the stamens become adherent to the pistil so as to form a column, the flowers are said to be gynandrous, as in Aristolochia fig.

article These arrangements of parts are of great importance in stamens vary in number from one to many acyclic flowers there is often a gradual transition from petals to stamens, as in the white water-lily fig. When flowers become double by cultivation, the stamens are converted into petals, as cookie flowers delivery in mn the paeony, camellia, rose, c. When there is only one whorl the stamens are usually equal in number to the sepals or petals, and are arranged opposite to the former, and alternate with the flower is then the stamens are not equal in number to the sepals or petals, the flower is there is more than one whorl of stamens, then the parts of each successive whorl alternate with those of the whorl preceding it.

The staminal row is more liable to multiplication of parts than the outer whorls. A flower with a single row of stamens is the stamens are double the sepals or petals as regards number, the flower is diplostemonous; if more than double, additional rows of FIG.

- Flower of cowslip Primula veris cut vertically. s, Sepals joined to form a gamosepalous calyx; c, corolla consisting of tube and spreading limb; a, stamens springing from the mouth of the tube; p, pistil. article - Irregular gamopetalous labiate corolla of the Dead-nettle Lamium album.

The upper lip u is composed of two petals united, the lower lip 1 of the two lips there is a throat is the part where the tube and the labiate limb the arching of the upper lip this corolla is called ringent. - Irregular gamopetalous ligulate flower of Ragwort Senecio. - Flower of Paeonia peregrina,in longitudinal section. stamens may be developed in the usual centripetal acropetal order, as in Rhamnaceae; or they may be interposed between the pre-existing ones or be placed outside them, i.

develop centrifugally basipetally, as in geranium and oxalis, cookie flowers delivery in mn the flower is said to be obdiplostemonous. When the stamens are fewer than twenty they are said to be definite; when above twenty they are indefinite, and are represented by the symbol 00. The number of stamens is indicated by the Greek cookie flowers delivery in mn prefixed to the term androus; thus a flower with one stamen is monandrous, with two, three, four, five, six or many stamens, di- tri- tetr- pent- hexor polyandrous, respectively.

article The function of the stamen is the development and distribution of the stamen usually consists of two parts, a contracted portion, often thread-like, termed the filament fig. 25 f, and a broader portion, usually of two lobes, termed the anther a, containing the powdery pollen p, and supported upon the end of the portion of the filament in contact with the anther-lobes is termed the the FIG. c, Calyx; p, petal; e, stamen; s, calyx, petals and stamens spring from above the ovary o in which two chambers are shown each with a pendulous ovule; d, disc between the stamens and Strasburgers Lehrbuch mission of Gustav Fischer.

- Flowers of Aristolochia Clem- atitis cut through longitudinally. Young stamen is abortive, flower in which the stigma N is receptive and cannot perform and the stamens 3 have not yet opened; its II. Older flower with the stamens S anther is developed o n the c orolla dried up. erX2 dth e hairs before the filament, and when the latter is not produced, the anther is sessile, as in the mistletoe. article The filament is usually, as its name imports, filiform or threadlike, and cylindrical, or slightly tapering towards its is often, however, thickened, compressed and flattened in various ways, becoming petaloid in Cookie flowers delivery in mn, Marania, water-lily fig.

32; subulate or slightly broadened at the base and drawn out into a point like an awl, as in Butomus umbellatus; or clavate, that is, narrow below and broad above, as in Thalictrum. In some instances, as in Tamarix gallica, Peganum Harmala, and Campanula, the base of the filament is much dilated, and ends suddenly in a narrow thread-like these cases the base may give off lateral stipulary processes, as in Allium and Alyssum filament varies much in length and in length sometimes bears a relation to that of the pistil, and to the position of the flower, whether erect or filament is usually of sufficient solidity to support the anther in an erect position; but sometimes, as in grasses, and other wind-pollinated flowers, it is very delicate and hair-like, so that the anther is pendulous cookie flowers delivery in mn. The filament is generally continuous from one end to the other, but in some cases it is bent or jointed, becoming geniculate; at other times, as in cookie flowers delivery in mn pellitory, it is is colourless, or of different in fuchsia and Poinciana, it is red; in Adamia and Tradescantia cookie flowers delivery in mn, blue; in Oenothera and Ranunculus acrisyellow.

article Hairs, scales, teeth cookie flowers delivery in mn processes of different kinds are some times developed on the spiderwort Tradescantia virginica the hairs are beautifully coloured, moniliform or necklace-like, and cookie flowers delivery in mn good objects for studying rotation of the are usually articulated to the thalamus or torus, and the stamens fall off after fertilization but in Campanula and some other plants they are continuous with the torus, and the stamens remain persistent, although in a withered are produced in the whorl of stamens by cohesion of the filaments to a greater or less extent, while the anthers remain free; thus, all the filaments of the androecium may unite, forming a tube round the pistil, or a central bundle when the pistil is abortive, the stamens same day flower delivery columbus ohio monadelphous, as occurs in plants of the Mallow tribe; or they may be arranged in two bundles, the stamens being diadelphous, as in Polygala, Cookie flowers delivery in mn and Pea; in this case the bundles may be equal or frequently happens, especially in Papilionaceous flowers, that out of ten stamens nine are united by their filaments, while one the postericr one is free fig.

When there are three or more bundles the stamens are triadelphous, as in Hypericum aegyptiacum, or polyadelphous, as in Ricinus communis castor-oil. In some cases, as in papilionaceous flowers, the stamens cohere, having been originally separate, but in most cases each bundle is produced by the branching of a single there are three stamens in a bundle we may conceive the lateral ones as of a stipulary Lauraceae there are perfect stamens, each having at the base of the filament two abortive stamens or staminodes, which may be analogous to cookie flowers delivery in mn are adherent to the pistil, forming a column gynostemium, as in Stylidium, Asclepiadaceae, Rafflesia, and Aristolochiaceae fig.

article - Quadrilocular or tetrathecal anther of the flowering Rush Butomus umbellatus. The anther entire a with its filament; section of cookie flowers delivery in mn b showing the four loculi. The anther consists of lobes containing the minute powdery pollen grains, which, when mature, are discharged by a fissure or opening of some is a double covering of the anther - the outer, or exothecium, resembles the epidermis,and often presents stomata and projections cookie flowers delivery in mn different kinds fig.

69; the inner, or endothecium, is formed by a layer or layers of cellular tissue fig. 69, cf, the cells of which der Botanik, by per FIG. - Flower delivery queens ny of Reed Phragmites communis opened out. a, b, Barren glumes; c, fertile glumes, each enclosing one flower with its pale, d; the zigzag axis rhachilla bears long silky hairs.


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